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Install Keybase On Linux: Debian, Ubuntu, RHEL, Cent OS, Fedora, Arch Linux and so on

Keybase is a secure messaging and file-sharing app that does way more than what’s advertised. It is the answer to all your secure online communication needs. Offering end-to-end encryption, the Keybase app allows you to connect to other users privately, share files, and communicate securely. You can also use it as a key directory to map social media identities to encryption keys for a much more robust and secure online presence.

As an open-source project, the code is available for all to view, thus you can remain sure that the app is not stealing your data. Available on all major operating systems, Keybase is a tool that is easy to use, offers a ton of features, and is completely secure. If you want to use Keybase on your Linux distro, the following guide will help you through the installation process.

What Is Keybase?

As mentioned earlier, it is a safe, secure, and private app, for literally anything you might do online. It offers end-to-end encrypted communications and file sharing between users. You can also use it to digitally identify and verify online identities. Furthermore, you can map these identities to different social media accounts for an added layer of security. The platform also offers cloud storage and even a crypto wallet. Here is a list of things you can do with Keybase:

  • Private and safe online communication backed by end-to-end encryption.
  • Encrypted online collaborations with teams and individuals for work.
  • File sharing and data storage, that too encrypted.
  • Digital identity verification.
  • Crypto wallet.
  • Hosting private Git repositories.

The platform utilizes public-key cryptography to make sure all the data traffic going through it remains secure. It has also been publicly audited. The platform also aims to simplify complex security operations and make them accessible to non-technical users. Thus, it is a platform that is well-suited for developers, journalists, and any individual who has concerns regarding online privacy and security.

Keybase, Install Keybase On Linux

How Does It Work?

At its root, the app makes use of public-key cryptography to allow the sharing of data securely. Here’s how it works:

  1. Every user has a pair of public-private keys.
  2. They share the public keys, while the private key remains with them.
  3. Then, they can link to their other online identities, which are verified using the same cryptography principles. 
  4. Thus, when any exchange of data takes place, everything is automatically encrypted. 
  5. And since the app is geared towards user-friendliness, all this happens behind the scenes, so even a non-technical user can quite easily use the app.

Features Of Keybase

Here is a quick overview of some of the features offered by Keybase:

  • Versatility: The platform is not limited to chatting, but offers more services, all encrypted.
  • End-to-end Encryption: It supports end-to-end encryption based on public key cryptography to protect online data.
  • File Storage: There is also cloud storage, allowing users to share and or store files securely. 
  • Identity Verification: You can use the platform to prove ownership of your other online identities from social media sites such as Twitter, GitHub, Reddit, etc.
  • Online Collaboration: You can also use the platform for online work with teams or individuals. 
  • Git Repositories/Hosting: It allows developers to host private GitHub repositories. 
  • Crypto-backed Digital Transactions: Using the integrated cryptocurrency wallet, you can use Keybase for digital transactions.
  • Cross-platform support: Available across all major platforms, including mobile OSes like Android and iOS.

Installing Keybase On Linux

Installing Keybase on Linux is straightforward. There are several methods you can pick from to install Keybase on your favorite Linux distro. All you have to do is choose a method that is suitable for you and follow the steps mentioned here.

Method 1. Install Keybase On Linux Using Repositories

This method is valid for all Linux distros. All you have to do is:

Step 1. First, launch the terminal and use the following command to download the official installer script:

curl --remote-name https://prerelease.keybase.io/keybase_amd64.deb

Step 2. Now, install the dependencies.

sudo apt install apt-transport-https gpg

Step 3. Finally, run the following command to install Keybase:

sudo dpkg -i keybase_amd64.deb
sudo apt-get install keybase

Step 4. You can launch Keybase to check if it’s installed correctly. Use the following command:


Method 2. Using Distribution-Specific Package Managers To Install Keybase

Next, you can use your native package managers to install Keybase

For Debian/Ubuntu

Step 1. Start by adding Keybase’s Personal Package Archive (PPA). Run the following command:

curl -s https://prerelease.keybase.io/keybase_ppa.asc | sudo tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/keybase.asc
echo "deb https://prerelease.keybase.io/deb stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/keybase.list

Step 2. Now, update the package list:

sudo apt-get update

Step 3. Finally, install Keybase.

sudo apt-get install keybase

Step 4. Run it using the following command:


For Fedora/RHEL/Cent OS

Step 1. You must add Keybase’s repository

sudo rpm --import https://keybase.io/docs/server_security/code_signing_key.asc
sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/keybase.repo << EOF

Step 2. Then, install Keybase

Note: Fedora users can use either DNF/YUM. However, older versions of RHEL will require YUM.

sudo dnf install keybase
sudo yum install keybase

For Arch Linux

For those running Arch Linux, if you want to install Keybase, first, you must get an AUR helper, (whichever you prefer, we are going to use YAY in the example)

Step 1. Start by installing an AUR Helper (YAY).

sudo pacman -S yay

Step 2. Install Keybase using the AUR:

yay -S keybase-bin

For NixOS

You must use the Nix package manager to install Keybase. All you need to do is run the following command, as Nix includes Keybase in its repo.

nix-env -iA nixpkgs.keybase
System-Wide Installation On NixOS

However, for more advanced use, you can add Keybase to the configuration.nix file and force a system-wide installation.

Step 1. First, edit your /etc/nixos/configuration.nix:

environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [

Step 2. Now. rebuild the system:

sudo nixos-rebuild switch

For Gentoo

Step 1. Use EMERGE to install Keybase:

sudo emerge --ask net-im/keybase

Step 2. Once installed, launch it



Step 1. First, make sure your ‘ports tree’ is up-to-date:

sudo portsnap fetch update

Step 2. Then install Keybase from Ports

cd /usr/ports/net-im/keybase
sudo make install clean
Alternative Method

Or, you can use the PKG command to install Keybase:

sudo pkg install keybase


If you are looking for stable Keybase releases, then you can also use the following codes for different distros:

For Ubuntu/Debian 64-bit version
curl --remote-name https://prerelease.keybase.io/keybase_amd64.deb
sudo apt install ./keybase_amd64.deb
Ubuntu/Debian 32-bit version
curl --remote-name https://prerelease.keybase.io/keybase_i386.deb
sudo apt install ./keybase_i386.deb
run_keybase -g

Note: GUI is not supported on 32-bit.

For Fedora/RHEL 64-bit version
sudo yum install https://prerelease.keybase.io/keybase_amd64.rpm
Fedora/RHEL 32-bit version
sudo yum install https://prerelease.keybase.io/keybase_i386.rpm
run_keybase -g

Note: GUI is not supported on 32-bit.

Arch Linux
yay -S keybase-bin  

Method 3. Compile Keybase From Source

You can always build Keybase manually, from the source:

Step 1. First, clone the Keybase GitHub repository:

git clone https://github.com/keybase/client.git
cd client

Step 2. Now, install dependencies:

For Debian/Ubuntu:

sudo apt install build-essential libappindicator3-dev

On Fedora:

sudo dnf groupinstall "Development Tools"

Step 3. Use the following command to build it:

make build

Step 4. Finally, run the Keybase client:


Method 4. Using Snap To Install Keybase

Snap is a universal package format that can be installed on most Linux distributions.

Step 1. First, install Snap 


sudo apt install snapd


sudo dnf install snapd
sudo ln -s /var/lib/snapd/snap /snap

Step 2. Then, install Keybase using Snap:

sudo snap install keybase --beta

Method 5. Installing Keybase Via Flatpak

Step 1. Install Flatpak if it’s not already available:


sudo apt install flatpak


sudo dnf install flatpak

Step 2. Now, add the Flathub repository:

flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo

Step 3. Install Keybase via Flatpak

flatpak install flathub io.keybase.Keybase
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