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A Complete Guide To Install CX_Freeze On Linux: Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS, RHEL, Arch Linux, and so on

Most developers use CX_Freeze to convert their Python scripts into standalone executables. The tool offers them a lot more flexibility and freedom as it can run on most operating systems, including Linux, Windows, FreeBSD, and so on. Also, CX_Freeze supports scripts from Python 2.7 and up, including the latest Python 3.

Thus, with CX_Freeze you can bypass the need for sharing your Python scripts and codes and instead provide an executable file which is much easier to distribute. Hence, you also do not have to disclose the source code of your program, which is one of the objectives of CX_Freeze. The following guide lets our readers learn how to install the tool on most Linux distributions.

Table Of Contents

What is CX_Freeze?

As stated, CX_Freeze is a Python program that allows users to convert Python scripts into standalone executables. It works on either Windows, macOS, or Linux. But the question arises. Why even use CX_Freeze? Well, it is necessary if you want your program to be compiled for easier sharing, as the tool lets you compile the codes you have written as a script. 

Thus, with CX_Freeze, you can combine Python scripts and their dependencies all into a single file, which can then run on most operating systems. It works similarly to tools like Py2exe and Py2app. However, unlike those tools, CX_Freeze offers cross-platform support.

cx_freeze, install cx_freeze on linux

CX_Freeze Use Cases:

Typically, CX_Freeze produces a folder that contains the executable file for the Python program and its shared libraries, like the DLL files, which are needed to run it. Generally, you can create a simple enough installer using a setup script with the bdist_msi option, which works on Windows or a disc image for macOS. 

You can use the CX_Freeze tool for the following purposes:

  1. First, you can use it to examine the included or existing CX_Freeze scripts. 
  2. Then, you can also use it to create a new setup script. This certainly is helpful if you ever need an extra option while freezing a program, as you can save them in script form. 
  3. Lastly, you can use the tool to work directly with classes and modules that are used by CX_Freeze internally.

How To Install CX_Freeze On Linux?

This brings us to the important segment of this article, precisely, how to install CX_Freeze on Linux. Well, there are certain methods one can go with, including downloading the file directly from the official website. The methods are listed below, please take a look:

Method 1. Use PIP To Install CX_Freeze On Linux

One of the easiest (and recommended) methods is to simply use PIP to install CX_Freeze on most Linux distributions. Here’s how you can do so:

On Debian-based Systems

Step 1. Update your package list:

sudo apt update

Step 2. Install Python and then pip

sudo apt install python3 python3-pip

Step 3. Install CX_Freeze via PIP

pip install cx_Freeze

Step 4. Verify the installation

python3 -m cx_Freeze --version

For Fedora/CentOS/RHEL

The process is mostly the same for most distributions, with only the repositories differing:

Step 1. Update the package:

sudo dnf update

Step 2. Install Python and pip

sudo dnf install python3 python3-pip

Step 3. Now, Install CX_Freeze via PIP

pip install cx_Freeze

Step 4. Lastly, verify the installation

python3 -m cx_Freeze --version

Systems Running Arch Linux

Step 1. Once again, update the package repository:

sudo pacman -Syu

Step 2. Then, install Python and pip

sudo pacman -S python python-pip

Step 3. Install CX_Freeze via PIP

pip install cx_Freeze

Step 4. Finally, verify the installation

python3 -m cx_Freeze --version

Method 2. Install CX_Freeze On Linux Using Pipenv

Use the above methods to update the repositories as needed for each Linux distro and then install CX_Freeze using Pipenv:

pipenv install cx_Freeze

Method 3. Install CX_Freeze On Linux Using Conda-forge

Conda, an open-source command line tool, can manage packages and virtual environments that run on different operating systems, including Linux. Thus, you can use Conda to install, run, and update packages and relevant dependencies quickly. Thus, you can rely on Conda to install CX_Freeze on most Linus distributions with ease.

Step 1. First, download a Conda Installer From the official website.

Step 2. Then verify the installer hashes:

sha256sum filename

Step 3. Then run the following command in the terminal:

bash <conda-installer-name>-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh

Note: Replace “conda-installer-name” with either “Miniconda3”, “Anaconda”, or “Miniforge3” based on what version you installed.

Step 4. Then, follow the on-screen instructions.

Step 5. Now, create a Condo environment:

conda create --name myenv python=3.x
conda activate myenv

Step 6. Then, install CX_Freeze:

conda install -c conda-forge cx_Freeze

Step 7. Lastly, verify the installation:

python -m cx_Freeze --version

Method 4. Build CX_Freeze From Source

Step 1. Install the necessary build tools and dependencies for Python:

On Debian/Ubuntu-based systems:

sudo apt install build-essential python3-dev

For CentOS/RHEL/Fedora:

sudo dnf install gcc python3-devel

For Arch Linux

sudo pacman -S base-devel

Step 2. Now, clone the cx_Freeze repository:

git clone https://github.com/marcelotduarte/cx_Freeze.git
cd cx_Freeze

Step 3. Use MAKE to install CX_Freeze

make install

However, if you do not have MAKE installed on your system, then:

pip install

Method 5. Using A Virtual Environment To Install CX_Freeze On Linux

Step 1. Start by creating a virtual environment:

python3 -m venv myenv

Step 2. Then, activate the virtual environment:

source myenv/bin/activate

Step 3. Now, install cx_Freeze inside the virtual environment:

pip install cx_Freeze

Step 4. Verify the installation:

python3 -m cx_Freeze --version

Step 5. Finally, deactivate the virtual environment:

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